Digital Learning Advisory Committee (DLAC)
DLAC is a standing University committee. It functions as an advisory group to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs on digital learning matters. The Committee offers a forum for dialogue on digital learning that facilitates communication among University stakeholders.
Membership and voting rights for the Committee is specified in the University Handbook, Section 3.1.2, University Standing Committees .
Scope of Action of Members
Members of the Committee are representatives of their colleges. The members will function in alignment with KSU’s strategic plan and mission. They will communicate committee activities to represented colleges.
Members of the committee also consider the:
- Need for standardization of digital learning practices.
- Proposed justifications for program modality changes.
- Evidence regarding consistency and appropriateness in approaches to digital learning.
- Alignment of academic policy proposals with University and USG Board of Regents’ academic policies.
Responsibilities of Members
Members will fulfill their role in the University’s Shared Governance process.
A member who cannot attend a scheduled meeting should arrange for a proxy in advance, preferably from their respective college.
Elections are defined by the University Handbook, Section 3.1, Constituencies Involved in Shared Governance.
College elections/selections are to be completed in March of the current academic year and representatives for the new academic year confirmed by April 1st to begin their term the following academic year.
Term of Office
Term is defined by the University Handbook, Section 3.1.2, University Standing Committees . A Committee member shall serve a three-year term that begins in the fall semester of an academic year and ends at the end of the spring semester of an academic year. The membership will be staggered to ensure that continuity of the committee is maintained with keeping experienced members on the committee.
If an elected member cannot fulfill their term, their College will be responsible for replacing the member representative in accordance with the respective college’s and/or department’s bylaws.
For a printable copy of the Digital Learning Advisory Committee Bylaws, please click here.